Rough Week
I've been having a rough week. Finished up a root canal at the dentist's. Now we're only waiting for the permanant crown to come in. My gum is sensitive, and bleeds when I brush. But then I thought back to a few months ago, when bleeding gums were standard for me, and I guess my mouth is a lot healthier now. Still a long way to go, though.
My emotions have been all over the place. Possibly because I keep forgetting to take my B6. I guess I need to post notes to myself to remember to take my vitamins. I feel so much better when I do.
Lower on the rotten scale, but still an annoyance, is the printer. I want to print some cross stitch freebies. We have about six, count 'em, six, printers in this house, and I can't get any of them to work! The one in DH's office comes closest, it will print text but not images. Grr.
DS's party on Saturday went fairly well. My mother couldn't come, but she sent him some money. He used it to buy a game for the game boy DH and I got him. I wasn't sure of the wisdom of giving one to an 8 year old, but he is really enjoying it. His friend Josh gave him a game for it too, so he has a Megaman game, one called Monkeyball, and Pokemon Sapphire. Pokemon is definitely his favorite. We are planning to buy him a cable to link his machine to his friends' so he can play 2 player games with them. We raided his piggybank last night, since we'd promised he could use some of his money to buy a used game from the Gamestop. I guess I'll take him there this afternoon. I'm not sure what he's going to choose. He's expressed interest in Yu-Gi-Oh, Sonic, and another Pokemon game.
On Sunday, we attended a neighborhood Halloween gathering before trick or treating. Halloween tends to be a big deal in our neighborhood, though I don't think we got as many kids this year as last. The party was at 5, and about 5:45 or so DH started taking the kids around, since it was a school night. DD was very anxious to go, she kept saying, "Go trick or treat? Get candy?" I headed home to give out candy. DH brought the kids home around 6:30. They'd only hit about half the neighborhood, and still had a huge amount of candy. I'm rationing it out so they don't eat it all at once. One or two pieces after meals.
Tuesday was the dentist. It was an early morning appt. I love those. :) I was in at 8, and out by 9:15. I will say this for my dentist, he doesn't keep me waiting. Always gets me straight in. Maybe it's because I take the early morning appointments. Apparently nobody likes those but me.
Later that afternoon, I took the kids to the mall for new shoes. We're going to see DH's family in Missouri over Thanksgiving, and we're actually going to make a real vacation of it, and take a week and do things, instead of just going up for a couple of days and sitting around his parents house. He's planning lots of walking, so new sneakers.
DD has been needing new shoes for awhile, she'd outgrown the old ones. I didn't realize how bad the situation was, though, until the lady at Stride Rite measured her feet. They were size 8. I'd been stuffing her poor little feet into size 6 shoes! I felt like such an awful parent! She was so happy to get her new shoes, and no wonder! She loved the first pair she tried on, pink and white keds, and she refused to take them off.
DS wanted Spider Man shoes, so I figured I'd get his at Target on the way home. So after we finished at Stride Rite, I started hunting for tennis shoes for me. I knew exactly what I wanted, Reebok Princess style in black. I went to both athletic shoe stores in the mall, and to Rich's/Macy's. No dice, though I did see a pair of dress shoes I want to go back and get. Finally, I decided to hit Sears, though I wasn't expecting to find them. And of course, Sears had them. But not in my size. The lady in the shoe department was very helpful, though, and called around and found a pair in my size at another Sears. Yay! :) And she was so patient and helpful to DS, who was looking at kids shoes and found a pair he liked. He ended up with Incredibles instead of Spiderman. We headed home, and DH agreed to drive me over to the Sears at the other mall, since I was exhausted by this point, and my mouth was starting to hurt from the dental work. So all of us but DH have nice new shoes.
That's pretty much what's been going on in my life lately.
I hope your teeth feel better soon! Ouchie!
And everybody knows how important shoes are!
When your crowns are done, the pain will be over. Keep that in mind.
good luck
I'm so sorry that your mouth hurts.
I can help with the freebies though. If you'll send me a list of the ones you want printed, I can print them for you with no trouble and send them to you.
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