Catching up
Once again, GAfilk has come and gone. This year's was quite enjoyable. Very little stress getting the consuite put together, since DH helped me haul all the stuff in, and practically no stress once everything was up and running. Many people thanked me for what a great job I do on the consuite every year. :) It's nice to feel appreciated.
I also got lots of compliments on my new dress (the one I bought for DH's company's holiday party that we never actually made it too), which I wore to opening ceremonies.
I picked up four new books and five cds in the dealers room. Four of those cds were replacements for albums I already have on cassette. I want to upgrade what I can before my tapes die.
I didn't actually attend any of the concerts or open filking this year. I mostly talked with people I hadn't seen for a year, and probably won't see for another year. Listening to Karen Anderson talk about the history of filk was very interesting.
At the end of the con, I wasn't nearly as exhausted as I usually am. I did take a long nap on Monday, though.
As for stitching, I haven't quite decided what I want to do in 2006. I know I want to finish Once Upon a Time and Crystal Enchantress. Also want to finish the Tybee Light. That one only has about 2 hours of work left on it. And I've started Egyptian Cat from Issue 35 of Cross Stitch Gold. I'm doing it over one on 25 count black lugana. So far, it hasn't been as tough going as I thought it might be. Other than those, I'm not sure what I'll be doing. I change my mind so much it isn't worthwhile to plan very far in advance anyway, LOL.
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